Philosophy Of Programming

Programming is the art of creating software/programs in order to do a specific task. There exists different languages and techniques for constructing these programs.

In order to make a computer do a work for you, first you need to select a language of choice(there exists too many). After this you’ve to decide in what way you want the desired program to be written.

Take a break if it sounds confusing to you, but there’re more than one ways a task can be accomplished. So, there’s more than one way to write a solution for a specific problem.

It’s time you stop thinking of programming as program-ING, instead think of it as problem-solving. You’ve to think like a problem solver, a problem is a definite question whose answer lies in the solution achieved through logical steps.

Every program or software a developer write in his career is just a way of writing solutions for specific problems. So, instead of bragging on about what languages you need to learn, what paradigms you need to know, you as a programmer should always think of a task as a problem and work your way towards the solution.