Theory Of Prime Numbers
A number that is only divisible by 1 and itself is a Prime number.
Primes are of interest since history finds it. Great mathmaticians devoted their lives to find the significance of these numbers.
What’s so interesting about primes??
It has been known for long that there’s an infinite number of primes. No matter how hard someone try, one cannot simply generate every prime number.
Another phenomena of prime numbers is that any non-prime number could be written by products of primes. Example: 3 is a prime as it could only be divided by 1 and 3, wheras 9 isn’t. Now we can write 9 as 9= 3.3, where the . represents the multipliction operator
So, there’re many prime numbers of whom some we know. Now why would we study primes outside of just curiosity?
Large primes are used in Cryptography. It’s a sub-domain under the CS discipline that studies the topic of encrypting data in order to gain security/privacy. Large primes tends to be a very good key for encrption of secret data. As modern world is computer oriented, hence security is a primal need. And primes play very cool with these aspects of computing.